Thursday, January 04, 2007

Duke Lacrosse Case Hurting Basketball Recruiting

This comment on Don Surber's blog indicates that the current Duke turnaround may not be entirely sincere. Personally, I don't blame the kids and parents who refuse to look at Duke; I know I wouldn't want The Daughter going there. It's not just the way the lacrosse players have been treated, which is inexcusable, it's what has been revealed about the faculty and administration -- they've appeared to be racist, sexist, over-wrought, and snobbish, as well as the possessors of poor reasoning skills since I'm sure they think they can't be any of those things in relation to white male lacrosse players. It's not just that they didn't defend the players, or at least insist on proper due process, it's that they so clearly wanted them to be guilty. Why would anyone want their child educated by such hateful idiots?

Note: the original ad by the Group of 88 can no longer be found on the web page hosted by the Duke African American Studies department.

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