Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Free International Calls

Unlike Eugene Volokh's wife, I haven't tried out this number, but what could it hurt? The one commenter who had tried it likes it. Others recommend Skype, which The Daddy and I have used successfully, but just calling a number seems simpler.

Of course, there were suggestions in the comments about who might be listening-in, but The Daddy and I have long figured some of our calls have been monitored, and we pity the monitors. Unless a caller is actually engaging in terrorism, and openly discussing it on the telephone , phone-call-monitor must the most boring job ever, and what are the odds that it ever gets interesting? We should be glad someone is willing to do it.

Okay, glad may be a bit of an overstatement, but no more of an overreaction that the paranoia one sees so much of.

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