Monday, November 13, 2006

High School, It Just Never Ends...

According to Mike Allen, Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi's staff say the upcoming election for Majority Leader is just like a high school election.

The official added that the squabble will not affect long-term public perceptions of the Speaker-to be. "This is like a high-school election," the official said. "People inside the Beltway will buzz about it for a week, but then no one will remember what happened."

So, this is the election for what, the third most powerful Democrat in Washington? And Congresswoman Pelosi's staff finds it unimportant?
The contest is complicated because it is more personal than it is ideological. Republicans want to label Pelosi a San Francisco liberal, while Murtha is pro-gun and pro-life. "People were surprised that she would so publicly endorse Murtha, particularly because it could end up hurting her," said a Democrat not aligned with either side. "She could lose her first big fight, which is not good for her leadership. But if she didn't publicly support Murtha, it would feed into the perception of her as a liberal - something she has been trying to change over the past couple of months in trying to appear moderate."

She seeks to be perceived as a moderate by endorsing John Cut-And-Run Murtha? Because she doesn't want to be perceived as a liberal?
Wow. What a big victory this election was for her.

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