Monday, November 27, 2006

Small, Yappy Dogs

Hugo Chavez says he will defeat the devil (meaning US) when he wins re-election December 3rd.
"On December 3 we're going to defeat the most powerful empire on earth by knockout," Chavez said.
Iran's president Ahmadinejad predicts the crumbling of the US, Israel and the UK.
``The Zionist regime is on a steep downhill towards collapse and disgrace,'' Ahmandinejad told supporters at a rally of Basiji militia forces near Tehran today. In a reference to the U.S. and U.K., he said ``the collapse and crumbling of your devilish rule has started.''

The CIA factbook lists the respective 2005 GDP's of the threatened and the threateners at :

US 12,310,000,000
VEN 162,100,000
Iran 569,900,000
Israel 156,900,000
UK 1,818,000,000

To put that in perspective, Venezuela has a GDP about 1/75th that of the US. So, if a 1/75th scale is about what is required to bring down a nation, and checking out The Mama's own GDP, I figure I need to get together with about 14 of my closest friends to "knockout" Chavez. Just 14.

It's a little bit mean, but I could use a hobby.

As for Ahmadinejad, Iran's GDP is about 1/25th of the combined GDPs of the US, UK and Israel. Going on a 1/25th scale, The Mama would need about 151 close friends to brag about the imminent demise of his regime. Lucky for him, I'm really not that social.

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